Anastasia Riley
Anastasia is a full-time missionary with Circuit Riders, a branch of Youth With A Mission.
Anastasia has had a heart for missions for as long as she can remember. In the summer of 2017, she met the Circuit Riders and God asked her if she'd join them to see a missions movement come out of America.
Circuit Riders primary vision is to see discipleship and evangelism spread throughout the college campuses of America and are quickly expanding to other nations around the world. They focus on training and equipping college students to be evangelists to their colleges, cities, jobs, etc., in order to see a gospel movement break out across America and the world.
Within Circuit Riders, one of Anastasia's main focuses is discipleship. She is very passionate about seeing young leaders brought into their fullest potential and freedom, in order to see maximum breakthrough on the mission field. During lecture phases, Anastasia lives in a student house and is a "house mom" to give or take 11 girls. Her focus is to be available for these girls around the clock as a mentor and a friend as they go through a season of intense spiritual growth. Other roles of hers include leading a local campus outreach team and having "one on one" discipleship moments with students from the school.
Anastasia is excited to see her generation rise up and say yes to the true cost of following Jesus wholeheartedly. She can't wait to see a rush of young people saying yes to going to the nations for Jesus. She specifically can't wait to see how her life and those whom she has had impact on effects those specifically in the Eastern Hemisphere.
Anastasia is building a team willing to invest $1,400/month in order to see her fully give herself to serving the call of God on her life.
She asks you'd prayerfully consider joining her on this journey and investing in her monthly as she gives herself to full-time missions.