Secure Online Dinner Registration Form

The Board of Directors
of the
Croton Watershed Chapter, Trout Unlimited
cordially invites you to join us for our 44th Annual Dinner
Friday, March 14, 2025, 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
at The Pleasantville Country Club, 110 Nannahagen Road, Pleasantville, NY.

Tickets are $100.00 per person and include complimentary wine, beer and soft drinks.

You are also invited to participate in the Pre-Dinner Raffle for a
Hardy Ultralite LL 9'9", 3wt rod with Sintrix NSX,
Hardy Ultradisc 3/4/5 reel and

Scientific Anglers MPX WF-3-F Line

Limited to 100 tickets @ $35.00 each.

For more information, contact Bob Wesolowski at

 $ 100
Dinner Tickets | $100 per person.

 $ 35
Raffle Tickets | $35 per ticket

I understand the importance of contributing to the Croton Watershed annual dinner. I know this is the only fundraiser of the year.

 $ 100
I would like to make a gift in the amount of $100

 $ 75
I would like to make a gift in the amount of $75

 $ 50
I would like to make a gift in the amount of $50
Total amount:   $0.00  (U.S. Currency)

If purchasing more than one ticket include the name of all persons in your group.
500 characters left

Include special seating requests, e.g. someone who you would like to sit with.
500 characters left

Include the name of any First Timers in your group.
500 characters left

Credit Card or Check/Debit Card*

Visa Mastercard Discover American Express

Routing Number

Your Information
First Name *
Last Name *
Billing Address*
U.S. Phone
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All payments provided to Croton Watershed Chapter Trout Unlimited comply with U.S. laws and regulations.
EFT corporation
© Copyright 2025
Croton Watershed Chapter Trout Unlimited
All Rights Reserved