Family Institute of Connecticut Action Committee
(Not Tax-Deductible)

The Family Institute of Connecticut Action Committee is a registered state political action committee. FIC Action Committee was created in 2004 to elect pro-family candidates to our state government. This organization is governed by state campaign finance laws, and contributions are limited to $1000.00 per individual per calendar year. Contributions are not tax-deductible and campaign finance laws prohibit us from accepting corporate or business contributions.


  1. Donations to the Family Institute of Connecticut Action Committee are not tax deductible.
  2. Contributions to Family Institute of Connecticut Action Committee are subject to the reporting requirements of Connecticut state statutes governing political committee contributions. (C.G.S. Sec. 9-608)
  3. The maximum allowable contribution per individual is $1000.00 in the aggregate, per year. A husband and wife may write separate checks for $1000.00 each. (C.G.S. Sec. 9-612)
  4. Corporate and business contributions are prohibited by Connecticut state statutes governing political committee contributions. (C.G.S. Sec. 9-613)

Pledge of Financial Integrity
We take very seriously the trust you place in Family Institute of Connecticut Action when you send a gift. We stand accountable before you to honor that trust. FIC is supported by voluntary donations. The bulk of FIC's contributions are received from individual donors.

If you have any questions regarding your online donation, please contact us directly at (860) 548-0066 or e-mail us at

If you prefer to mail in your contribution form, please download our Contribution Form and mail it to:

Family Institute of Connecticut
77 Buckingham Street
Hartford, CT 06106

Donation amount:   
  (U.S. Currency)

Is this a new donation, or an update to an existing recurring donation? *

I would like to schedule this donation to occur:*
Start my donation on:*

Additional comments or questions related to this donation:
500 characters left

Are you 18 or older?
If you are between the ages of 18 and 12, you can only donate $30.00 a year.
(Connecticut General Statutes § 9-611)
Are you a Communicator Lobbyist?
If you are a Communicator Lobbyist, you can contribute no more than $100 per year.
(Connecticut General Statutes § 9-610)
Are you the spouse, child, or immediate family member of a Communicator Lobbyist?
If you are the immediate family member of a communicator lobbyist, you can contribute no more than $100 per year.
(Connecticut General Statutes § 9-610)

Name of Employer:*
If self-employed, provide Name of Business; Example: Dave's painting. Other Examples: Retired, Unemployed, Student, Homemaker
Principal Occupation:*
If self-employed, provide Job Description; Example: Painter. Other Examples: Retired, Unemployed, Student, Homemaker

Are you a principal of a state contractor or prospective state contractor?*
Yes No
If yes, please indicate which branch or branches of government the contract(s) is with:

Payment Options*

Visa Mastercard Discover American Express

Routing Number

Your Information
First Name *
Last Name *
Billing Address*
U.S. Phone
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All donations provided to Family Institute of Connecticut Action Committee comply with U.S. laws and regulations.
EFT corporation
© Copyright 2025
Family Institute of Connecticut Action Committee
All Rights Reserved