Please Complete All Information
I would like to practice dakshina by:
beginning a Monthly Dakshina Practice
updating a Monthly Dakshina Practice

Please enter offering amount, payment option, and contact information to begin or update a Monthly Dakshina Practice.

Monthly Offering Amount:
$    U.S. Currency

Please Choose One of These Payment Options

Credit Card & Check/Debit Card
Bank Account Transfer (ACH)
Visa Mastercard Discover
Account NumberAccount Number
Account number
Routing NumberRouting Number
Routing number

Your monthly offering will be charged or debited on or about the 20th of each month.

Please Enter Your Contact Information
All fields marked with an * are required.

(if offering through a company)
( ) -

If you reside outside the United States, please complete the following section.

Yes, remember my contact information.
Checking this box allows your contact information to be automatically entered the next time you use this form.

EFT corporation uses Entrust