St. Matthew School Fund

Your donation to the St. Matthew School Fund will impact students this year. THANK YOU.

If you have any questions regarding your online donation, please contact us at (206) 362-2785 or email us at

Thank you for your gift to the St. Matthew School Annual School Fund!

Please Complete All Information
Is this a new donation, or an update to an existing recurring donation?
A new one-time or recurring donation
An update to an existing recurring donation - To make an update, complete the form in its entirety with your information and explain the update in the comments box.

To stop your existing recurring donation, click here

I would like to schedule this donation to occur:
One-time/Single Monthly Quarterly Semi-Annually Annually

Starting Date of Recurring Gift:
Ending Date of Recurring Gift:

Designate fund amounts:
Bridging the Gap (General Fund)
Tuition Aid
Doris Rutzel Endowment
Fr. William Power Endowment
Amount per payment:   $0.00  

Based upon the pledge above the yearly pledge amount is:   $  

Would you like to make this a:
Memorial Gift Honor Gift Anonymous Donation
Name of whom your gift is in memory/honor of:  

St. Matthew School Graduate? What year?
500 characters left

Please Choose One of These Payment Options

Credit Card & Check/Debit Card
Bank Account Transfer (ACH)
Visa Mastercard Discover American Express
Account NumberAccount Number
Account number
Routing NumberRouting Number
Routing number
* All donations provided to St Matthew School comply with U.S. laws and regulations.

Please Enter Your Contact Information Below
Fields marked with * are required to complete your donation.

First Name *
Last Name *
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St Matthew School
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