For your convenience, Clear Creek Christian Church offers this on-line giving option which is safe, secure, and reliable! On-line gifts are transferred, on the schedule you specify, directly from your checking or credit card account to Clear Creek Christian Church's account.
We want you to be aware that bank account transfers incur lower fees than credit card transactions. We also do not in any way encourage going into debt to make contributions to the church.
Records of your gifts will appear on your monthly bank statements. You may increase, decrease, or suspend your giving at any time via the online donation form or by contacting the church office.
If you have any questions regarding your online donation, please call (812) 824-2566 or e-mail
If you prefer to mail in your enrollment form, please download our E-Giving Form and mail it to:
Clear Creek Christian Church
5405 S. Rogers Street
Bloomington, IN 47403