Audrey Warner

Hey everyone! My name is Audrey Warner and I am a full-time missionary serving with YWAM (Youth With A Mission) Circuit Riders based in Huntington Beach, California.

I have been serving in ministry and missions over the past four years, serving college campus movements with Met By Love in West Michigan and leading teams with the Everyheart Movement across the nation, city by city, serving local churches and ministries to see the lost reached with the Gospel.

Circuit Riders is a collaborative non-profit missions organization that is empowered by Youth With A Mission (YWAM). The mission of Circuit Riders is to save the lost, revive the saved and train them all, empowering a generation to love like Jesus!

My heart is for my generation in every nation to be marked as a Jesus generation. With Circuit Riders, I am a part of empowering those in my generation in other nations and my home nation of the United States with the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Jesus changed my life and has taken me on a wild adventure of faith, believing that Gen Z across the world is hungry for more, and they are hungry for Jesus.

This is my first year serving full-time as a missionary with Circuit Riders, and I am just seeking to expand the Kingdom of God on this earth alongside more brothers and sisters in Christ over this next season of my life.

With this, I live off of missionary support, fundraising monthly to cover my ministry/travel and living expenses, and I am looking for those who are believing for a great move of God in our time to run alongside of this mission with me through saying "yes" to God financially. I believe God is calling all believers to be ones who are sent, but also some are ones who send others. I am asking that you pray and ask the Lord how He wants to use you in the mission field, and if financial support is how He wants to use you to send others. Would you pray about joining in with the assignment the Lord has given me to reach this generation and the nations?

Thank you so much! Please never hesitate to reach out to know more :)


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