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Become a part of FACT! We are the only organization offering our combination of services and working daily to ensure quality of life for people with developmental and similar disabilities.

Your generous, tax-deductible gift will make our impact even greater, and help ensure that we can continue providing vital support services which, though routine for many of us, can be difficult or impossible for our clients.

Please join your heart with ours by making a contribution today to help to bring quality of life, security, and peace to our clients and their families.

If you have any questions regarding your online gift, please contact us directly at 818-225-7393 or e-mail us at If you prefer to mail a check, please send to: FACT, 20300 Ventura Blvd. Suite 340, Woodland Hills, CA 91364.

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* All donations provided to Foundation for Advocacy, Conservatorship, & Trust comply with U.S. laws and regulations.

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Foundation for Advocacy, Conservatorship, & Trust
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