Let There Be Light

Bringing Solar Power to the
Carmelite Monastery of Our Lady and Saint Therese

We pray daily for the light of wisdom and in our prayer we discerned that it is expedient that we invest in solar energy for sake of the future of our monastery.

We will be 100 years old on October 24, 2025. And thanks to you, we have renovated our dear old monastery and we are in good shape for being 100! But with the escalating inflation and the increasing price of electricity it is going to be hard to make ends meet. We researched and got three bids for solar and we've chosen the one with the greatest returns: nominal electrical bills for the future.

We ask you, in your kindness and generosity, to help us realize this goal for our next 100 years of prayer, for you and yours, here in our beautiful monastery by the sea! We pray to the Lord "Let your light shine on us".

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Carmelite Monastery of Carmel
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