Chinese Church of Iowa City

Your generous donations can now be made through the E-Giving Program. E-Giving is convenient, as well as safe, secure, and reliable!

When you participate in our E-Giving Program, your gift will be transferred conveniently from your checking account to the Chinese Church of Iowa City periodically based on the transfer frequency you chose. A record of each gift will appear on your yearly statement. You may increase, decrease, or suspend your giving at any time through the online donation form below or by contacting the church by phone or mail.

Thank you for your support. Your contribution will be applied to the category or ministry that you have chosen. If no ministry is chosen, your gift will be placed in the General Fund. We will provide a detailed report of your giving at the end of the year.

If you have any questions regarding your online donation, please email us at or leave a message at (319) 333-7173.

If you prefer to mail in your enrollment form, please download our Giving Form and mail it to:

Chinese Church of Iowa City
570 Madison Ave
North Liberty, IA 52317

Total donation amount:  $0.00   (U.S. Currency)
Is this a new donation, or an update to an existing recurring donation? *Required
To stop your existing recurring donation, click here
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Checking/Savings Account *Required
(U.S. Banks Only)
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All donations provided to Chinese Church of Iowa City comply with U.S. laws and regulations.
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Chinese Church of Iowa City
All Rights Reserved