Loving God, Loving People
"But since you excel in everything -- see that you also excel in this grace of giving."
2 Corinthians 8:7
With your help, we can engage, equip, and empower people to love God passionately, love each other powerfully, and impact the world purposefully.
You may make donations directly from your checking account or from a credit or debit card. If you use a credit card, please be sure you will be able to pay off the monthly balance. As a participant of the program, you are still free to make additional gifts directly at the church by check or cash as the Lord provides! You may increase, decrease, or suspend your giving at any time through the online donation form below or by contacting the church by phone or mail.
If you have any questions regarding your online donation, please contact us directly at (810) 735-4564 or e-mail us at treasurer@lfmchurch.net.
If you prefer to mail in your enrollment form, please download our Giving Form
and mail it to:
Linden Free Methodist Church
13274 S Linden Rd
Linden, MI 48451