Our Vision: For every college student to live a Christ-centered life in Christian community: to find faith with friends.
Our Mission: To lead college students to accept a life in Christ that makes practical differences in their everyday lives.
Your donations help us fulfill our vision and mission on Stephen F. Austin State University campus.
By utilizing Online Giving, you are allowing us to plan with greater accuracy. The program is convenient, safe, secure and reliable. Of course, you are still free to make additional gifts by check or cash. We will continue to record and report to you all of your giving, regardless of the method, on the giving statements Wesley provides in January and June of each year, or at your request.
The Wesley Foundation discourages anyone from increasing his or her debt load in order to give. Debit cards, and direct debits from your checking or savings account are great ways to give without risking increased debt.
You may increase, decrease, or suspend your giving at any time using the form below or by contacting The Wesley Foundation at SFASU.
If you have any questions regarding your online donation, please contact us directly at (936) 564-7257 or e-mail us at sfawesley@gmail.com.
You will receive a receipt via email with the details of your gift. The Wesley Foundation is a recognized 501(c)(3) non-profit, religious organization and gifts are tax deductible.
All gifts are used as designated. However, if we receive more contributions for a project than can wisely be applied to that area, those funds will be applied where needed most. All contributions are received with the understanding that the Wesley Foundation has complete control over the use of all donated funds.
If you prefer to mail in your enrollment form, please download our E-Giving Form and mail it to:
The Wesley Foundation at SFASU
P.O. Box 4609
Nacogdoches, TX 75962